How we moved a leading science brand from technical to human

How we moved a leading science brand from technical to human

Going a Step Beyond

We shunned the scientific cliches that make up so much of pharma marketing, and instead showcased Thermo Fisher Scientific innovators, their customers, and the end users as the true heroes they are. With a tone of voice and shooting style that was confident, aspirational and provocative, we truly got to know our subjects and brought their stories to life in powerful, cinematic ways.

Changing Perceptions

As a result of our films, 88% of viewers said they felt more positive about the Thermo Fisher brand. Brand awareness increased 6%. And brand momentum increased 3% (11% more than the nearest competitor). We also sparked a swelling of pride among Thermo Fisher colleagues and customers around the world, some of whom are even adapting the work for their own marketing activity.